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The languageOf function lets you view and modify the language strings directly. languageOf takes two properties:

It returns a mapping of languages to strings or sets of strings depending on the cardinality of the JSON-LD context.

languageOf Definition

languagesOf(ldo: LdoBase, field: string | Symbol): LanguageSetMap | LanguageMap


  • ldo: Any Linked Data Object
  • field: Any field on the provided Linked Data Object


languageOf returns either a LanguageSetMap if the given field is an array, or a LanguageMap if the given field is a singular value. For example, languageOf(profile, "friends") would return a LanguageSetMap because there the listOfFriendNames field has a cardinality over 1, but languageOf(profile, "familyName") would return a LanguageMap because it has a cardinality of 1.


type LanguageMap = {
  "@none"?: string;
  [language: string]: string | undefined;

The LanguageMap is a mapping between various language tags (including the @none tag) and the singular language value for that tag. Modifying the LanguageMap will automatically update the underlying dataset.


const labelLanguages = languagesOf(hospitalInfo, "label");
// labelLanguages: { '@none': 'Hospital', fr: 'Hôpital', ko: '병원' }
// logs "병원"
// Adds a Chinese label
labelLanguages.zh = "医院";
// Changes the no-language label from to "Super Hospital"
labelLanguages["@none"] = "Super Hospital";
// Removes the French label


type LanguageMap = {
  "@none"?: string;
  [language: string]: string | undefined;

The LanguageSetMap is a mapping between various language tags (including the @none tag) and a JavaScript Set of all values for that tag. Modifying the LanguageSetMap will automatically update the underlying dataset.


const descriptionLanguages = languagesOf(hospitalInfo, "description");
// descriptionLanguages:
// {
//   '@none': Set(2) { 'Heals patients', 'Has doctors' },
//   fr: Set(2) { 'Guérit les malades', 'A des médecins' },
//   ko: Set(2) { '환자를 치료하다', '의사 있음' }
// }
// Logs: 환자를 치료하다\n의사 있음
Array.from(descriptionLanguages.ko).forEach((str) => console.log(str));
// Adds a Hindi description
descriptionLanguages.hi?.add("रोगियों को ठीक करता है");
// Checks to see if the korean label contains "의사 있음"
descriptionLanguages.ko?.has("의사 있음"); // returns true
// Removes "Has Doctors" from the no-language description
descriptionLanguages["@none"]?.delete("Has Doctors");