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init command

LDO's cli's init command initializes LDO in an existing Typescript project.

The command is intended to be run using NPX in the same folder as a project's package.json. For example:

cd my_project/
npx run @ldo/cli init

If @ldo/cli is installed globally, the ldo command can be used. For example:

npm i -g @ldo/cli
cd my_project/
ldo init

This command will create a .shapes and .ldo folder that will store the schemas and generated code for LDO respectively.


-d [directory], --directory [directory] (Optional)

The init command takes in one parameter: -d or --directory. If present, the init command will create the .shapes and .ldo folders in the given directory.

npx run @ldo/cli init --director ./my_cool_dir
ldo init --directory ./my_cool_dir

Further details

The command does the following:

  • Installs @ldo/ldo as a dependency
  • Installs @ldo/cli, @types/shexj, and @types/jsonld as dev dependencies
    • If the --directory parameter is set, the PARENT_DIRECTORY is the given directory.
    • If src, lib, or bin are present in the project, the PARENT_DIRECTORY is src, lib, or bin selected in that order.
    • Else the PARENT_DIRECTORY is the project's root directory.
  • Creates a file at PARENT_DIRECTORY/.shapes/foafProfile.shex to serve as an example ShEx file. (This can be deleted at any time)
  • Adds a build script, build:ldo, to package.json. For example, if the PARENT_DIRECTORY was foo the following would be added:
    "scripts": {
      "build:ldo": "ldo build --input foo/.shapes --output foo/.ldo"
  • Runs the build script, generating the .ldo folder